赖雪仪, 广东外语外贸大学广东国际战略研究院、欧洲研究中心副教授、硕导;中国欧洲学会欧洲政治研究分会理事。
2017年, 赖雪仪博士加入广外, 研究及教学方向集中在欧洲政治、亚欧关系、中欧关系及亚欧会议(Asia-Europe Meeting, ASEM)。赖博士除了作为欧洲学的硕导、《国际组织与全球治理》创新班的论文导师,还任教多门研究生及本科生课程。
2002-2006年, 赖博士在香港浸会大学政府与国际问题学系完成欧洲研究(法语组)的学士学位。2013年,赖博士在新西兰坎特伯雷大学国家欧洲研究中心博士毕业。博士毕业后, 赖博士在清华大学国际关系学系完成博士后研究课题“欧盟眼中的中国”。
除了亚欧间相互了解及认知的研究课题,赖博士亦是多个欧洲研究课题的主持人或主要成员,包括主持欧盟委员会伊拉斯谟+让•莫内项目课题“2020-2030年:中欧关系新阶段”(New Phase of EU-China relation for 2020-2030)、欧盟委员会伊拉斯谟+让•莫内项目课题“Assessing the role of Europe in the Indo-Pacific”的子课题主持,以及参与中国外交部中欧关系研究“指南针计划”项目课题、德国大众汽车基金会资助课题、荷兰皇家学院研究基金资助课题等。
Lai Suetyi (Cher) is an associate professor and researcher of Centre for European Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, teaching and researching EU politics, Asia-Europe relations and China-Europe relations. She has published some forty journal articles and book chapters on these topics.
Before Guangzhou, she was a Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of International Relations, Tsinghua University (Beijing). Cher received her doctoral degree from National Centre for Research on Europe, University of Canterbury, in 2013. Cher obtained her Bachelor degree in European Studies from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2006. Apart from an exchange student experience in Lille (France) in academic year 2004-2005, Cher finished an internship in a Brussel-think-tank, European Policy Centre, in summer 2010, as well as a fellowship in Monash University (Australia) in 2013.
Since 2006, Cher has led or joined numerous transnational research project, including series of research supported by research grants from the European Commission, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Volkswagen Foundation.
欧洲研究入门(Introduction to European Studies)、国际组织与全球治理(International Organisations and Global Governance)、欧洲学经典阅读(Essential Readings for European Studies)、欧洲政治研究(Politics in Europe)、欧盟对外关系(EU External Relations)、欧洲学论文写作(Research Methods in European Studies)
Lai Suetyi, “Not Seeing eye to eye: Perception of China-EU Economic Relationship”, Asia Europe Journal, 2023:21(2), pp.137-154. (SSCI)
Lai Suetyi, Paul Bacon and Martin Holland, “Three Decades on: still a Capability-Expectations Gap? Pragmatic Expectations towards the EU from Asia in 2020”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 2023:61(2), pp.451-468. (SSCI)
Lai Suetyi and Cai Yidong, “Mapping of Perception of China in Central and Eastern Europe”, Asia Europe Journal, 2022:.20(3), pp.305–327. (SSCI)
Lai Suetyi, Serena Kelly and Martin Holland, “Emperor’s new clothes? Perception of the EU’s strategic partnerships in Asia”, Asia Europe Journal, 2019:17(3), pp.341-360. (SSCI)
Lai Suetyi, “Just Another Chinese City? Hong Kong’s Post-1997 Role to the European Union”, Asian Education and Development Studies, 2019:8(2), pp.186-196.
史志钦、赖雪仪:“西欧国家政党政治的多重两难”,《当代世界与社会主义》2017年第2期, 21-29页. (CSSCI)
史志钦、赖雪仪:“多重危机下的欧洲政治社会极化趋势研究”,《人民论坛·学术前沿》2017年第03期, 6-19页. (CSSCI)
Lai Suetyi, Shi Zhiqin, “How China views the EU in global energy governance: Norm exporter, Partner or Outsider?”, (中国在全球能源治理方面如何看待欧盟:规范输出、合作伙伴或门外汉?) Comparative European Politics, 2017:15(1), pp.80-98. (SSCI)
Lai Suetyi, “ASEM’s Media Exposure and the Promotion of Connectivity between Asian and European publics”, (亚欧会议的媒体暴光及促进亚欧公众间联系) in Inter-Regional Relations and the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), edited by Bart Gaens and Gauri Khandekar, 2017, Palgrave Macmillan, Chapter 7, pp.131-56.
赖雪仪: “理解欧洲在“一带一路”倡议中的利益关切”, 清华卡内基全球政策中心, 2017年5月10日, carnegietsinghua.org/2017/05/19/zh-pub-70032.
Yoon Sungwon, Lai Suetyi, “Far, Yet Close Enough?: Dynamics of the EU Representations in East Asian Media” (遥远又足够紧密:东亚传媒中欧盟的活跃表现), Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Summer 2015: 33 (2), pp.247-82. (同行评审期刊)
史志钦、赖雪仪:“西欧分离主义:案例梳理”,《人民论坛·学术前沿》2015年第04期, 56-69页. (CSSCI)
Lai Suetyi, “ASEM’s visibility and public awareness”, (亚欧会议的知名度和公众意识) in The Future of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Looking ahead into ASEM’s third decade, edited by Bart Gaens, 2015, Brussels: European Union, Chapter 6, pp.116-36.